Best Kept Secrets in Education
Making Education Possible membership fee of $79 waived; brought to you by the National Guard Association of California.
StartDEGREEQUEST: Automated Degree Planning (FREE with Membership) (4:19)
StartSPEEDYPREP: CLEP Test Prep (DISCOUNT with Membership) (0:47)
StartSOCRATES: Student Online Connections, Resources & Academics to Enhance Success (FREE with Membership) (7:27)
StartSTRATEGIC EDUCATION PLANNING: Accelerated Paths to Degree Completion (FREE with Membership)
StartLIFEMART: Members Only Discount Shopping Website (FREE with Membership) (2:17)
Members will have unlimited access to automated degree planning through DegreeQuest which includes communication with an education counselor. DegreeQuest was developed for the military but is now available for everyone!! DegreeQuest uses a patented automated counseling program that merges your prior learning with hundreds of colleges so you can find the best path to degree completion for you and/or your family members. This service is FREE with membership!
Learn how to utilize the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) to earn college credit at over 2,900 colleges and universities nationwide. CLEP is similar to Advanced Placement exams but CLEP is for everyone. Members will receive a discount on SpeedyPrep test prep for CLEP so members can pass theses exams. SpeedyPrep provides access to twenty-four CLEP exams for $24.95 per month and provides a money back guarantee. Members will receive a 30% discount off the $24.95 subscription for the first three months.
Members have access to SOCRATES (Students' Online Connections Resources & Academics to Enhance Success) this site provides more than 3,000 resources providing links to more than 500 semester hours of subjects with tuition-free courses from many of the best universities in the nation and around the world. SOCRATES also provides resources to help you find scholarships, low cost textbooks, dozens of links to Basic English and Basic Mathematics review courses for those who need remedial academic development, links to hundreds of practice tests (including CLEP) and more. SOCRATES is FREE with membership.
Members have access to Strategic Education Planning: Accelerated Paths to Degree Completion. This seminar is designed to teach students how to understand the higher education system in America and use the wide array of resources that we link them to on SOCRATES to help them succeed in their educational endeavors. The overarching goal of this seminar is to help students discover the pathway to degree completion that matches their needs, goals, and desires and to plan their journey to completion. This seminar is FREE with membership.
Members will also receive access to LifeMart which provides real savings on real life; with both national and local discounts from brands you know and love. Real savings on real life needs. Child care. Senior care. Tuition. Travel. And all those little things in life that can add up. Groceries. Cell phones. The gym. Eating out. School supplies. Whether you’re planning a major purchase like a car, home or vacation, or just want to save on day-to-day essentials, LifeMart is your lifeline. This service is FREE with membership!
Join now to learn more!